Be READY for advanced VR medical clinic simulation

Olsson-RIS is software that manages radiology operations smoothly with Radiology Reporting Software that provides seamless reporting with dynamic templates, intelligent snippets, and much more. Leverage the reliable automated solutions for simplified Radiology Workflow Management to significantly reduce overheads for all staff and all stakeholders.

Empower your lab with the smooth Radiology Information System Software integrated with PACS that offers dynamic radiology reporting templates, snippets, and customizable formats; with lossless sharing & distribution.


Olsson-iosningar Free PACS Server is a DICOM 3.0 compliant PACS server and an HTTP (web) server for DICOM files that offers high performance and reliability completely free of charge! It provides connectivity to all DICOM modalities (CT, MR, US, CR, NM, XA, MG, DX etc.). The built-in web server can be used as a free cloud server for DICOM files!

The built-in DICOM server supports all the DICOM network services (C-FIND SCU/SCP, C-MOVE SCU/SCP, C-STORE SCU/SCP, C-GET SCU/SCP, C-ECHO SCU/SCP), is compatible with all the modalities (CT, MR, NM, US, XA, MG, CR, DX, etc.), all manufacturers, and all DICOM 3.0 and NEMA 2 file types. Moreover, it supports an unlimited number of connections with an unlimited number of DICOM nodes and DICOM clients.

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